Friday, October 16, 2009 really sick and tired of seeing Jennifer Aniston in love in, in the movies..
It kinda gives her the kinda persona that she's a love failure...and truly speaking, we've seen that A-lotta times...and Im talking bout off the reels...first brad pitt..then vince vaughn..then john who??
I mean seriously, after watching all those movies with her in it, and with the story line of how she's looking for love, probably make guys give up on her...always looking for love and end up a sad old lady munching down chocolates...
LOOK at Megan Fox on the other hand...all the roles she's playing is making her even more desirable in the eyes of the media...which gets you thinking, does the roles these women play have an affect of their personal and public lives off the cameras??
maybe soo....
and ALL of this? just a thought....

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