Saturday, April 17, 2010

back and rockin!

just so you know, i havent forgotten my blog...

ahh...You know the time when you feel at your lowest?
You dont know what to do. You dont know what to think?
You wanna be all by yourself thinkin it will make the situation better..
And what if it happens one too many times.
How do you deal with it? like seriously..
Especially when you are so determined that all this things happen for a reason and it'll be better sooner or later.
Well, what if it doesnt.
How does one keep going?
And honestly, I may have been through shit in life..
But I still feel its nothing compared to those survive through real problems.
And Im speaking bout having no food for days. No clean water to bathe in.
Gotten Raped.No chance to go to school.
Salute to those people who still have the zest to live, the will to change and inspire many people around them.

If you think you got it bad, there's always someone out there far worst off than ya.

make a change.

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