Thursday, June 10, 2010

It has been a long while since the last post.
Well, a lil ups and downs but who doesnt have those days aye?
I just wanna highlight a certain issue that took up most of my time a few months back. And I am sure everyone has met that certain someone at least one in their lives.
This person is somewhat fascinating when you first get to know him. ( or, as I would like to say it, portray himself to be). And then later while you think he's cool and all, he blows up at your face and shoots at ya words you dont deserve to hear. Why? Cause he aint happy bout something. And when he's mad, the whole world goes down with him. And YOU are expected to know him in and out. Know what makes him tick, what does not. And you are supposed to work your way around him. Cause lemme say, that he portrays himself as a friend worth keeping. So you have to change your ways to accomodate him or BOOM! he blows at your face.
He makes you feel bad when you dont cater to him and when you try to explain, he cannot be bothered to hear it. Cause in the end, it is all. About. Him.

After all that, you sit down and you think what is wrong with you cause you keep feeling bad about yourself.
I have been through this ordeal myself. And it left me thinking how selfish this person really is. How can they be? Why?
In the end, I realise that it is just not worth it that I even keep in contact with such a person. Im not saying I dont know how to communicate with such people.I am not saying that I cant tolerate such people. I could. But why would I wanna put myself through hell?It is not fair that I give but I dont get anything in return. Im not expecting any but any relationship ( friends, BGR, parents etc) , it is always a give-and-take situation.
When I took a step back, I was appalled by the fact that people have the cheek to behave like this. At the same time, it was a big whole chunk of weight lifted of my shoulder. When I am with someone, especially with my friends, I wanna be able to be myself and not be cautious about what to say or do incase i hurt your feelings.

Friends dont make you feel bad. They understand.
Friends dont tell you what to change about yourself. They accept you as you are.
Friends dont stop communicating after a fight. They forgive.
Friends dont put you down. They bring you up.
A friend. It is something I'll never have you as again.

Im not gonna tell you what you should do, cause right now, that is frankly none of my business.
Im not gonna wish you well, cause frankly, I really dont see how you could go far with that attitude.
Im not gonna curse ya, cause frankly, Im too good for that:)
karma will take its course.

* Live and Let Live*

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